

Apicoectomy, also known as root-end resection, is a surgical procedure performed by our our oral surgeon in Huntersville, NC, to treat an infection or inflammation in a tooth's root tip (apex). It involves removing the tip of the tooth's root and any infected tissue and then sealing the end of the root to prevent further infection. This procedure is typically recommended when a traditional root canal treatment has failed to resolve the issue or when retreatment is not feasible due to complex root anatomy or other obstacles.

An apicoectomy is essential because it allows for the removal of diseased tissue while preserving the natural tooth, thus preventing the need for tooth extraction and maintaining oral health and function. It is often considered a last resort before extraction and can help alleviate pain, restore oral health, and prolong the lifespan of the affected tooth. 

The Benefits of Apicoectomy 

Preservation of Natural Teeth 

One of the most significant benefits of apicoectomy in Huntersville, NC, is its ability to preserve natural teeth. Unlike tooth extraction, which involves removing the entire tooth, apicoectomy targets the root issue while retaining the affected tooth. This preservation maintains the integrity of the dental arch and preserves the smile's aesthetic appeal, promoting confidence and self-esteem. 

Effective Resolution of Infections 

Apicoectomy serves as an effective solution for individuals struggling with persistent infections or inflammations in the root tip of a tooth. When traditional root canal therapy fails to eradicate the infection, apicoectomy offers a targeted approach to remove diseased tissue and seal the root, preventing the further spread of infection. By addressing the root cause directly, apicoectomy provides a pathway to long-term relief and oral health restoration. 

Prevention of Tooth Loss 

One of the most significant implications of untreated dental infections is tooth loss. Left unchecked, infections can spread, compromising the structural integrity of the affected tooth as well as the adjacent teeth. This proactive approach not only saves teeth but also safeguards overall oral health and function. Contact us today to learn more! 

Alleviation of Pain and Discomfort 

Dental infections often lead to severe pain and discomfort, impacting daily activities and quality of life. Apicoectomy offers relief from persistent pain by addressing the underlying cause of the infection. By removing diseased tissue and sealing the root, apicoectomy alleviates pressure on surrounding tissues and nerves, providing patients with much-needed comfort and respite. 

Preservation of Jawbone Health 

Tooth loss can have far-reaching consequences beyond oral health, affecting the jawbone's integrity and facial structure. By preserving natural teeth, apicoectomy helps maintain the jawbone's integrity, preventing bone loss and preserving facial aesthetics. This preservation enhances oral function and promotes long-term facial harmony and stability. 

Enhanced Longevity of the Tooth 

Apicoectomy extends the longevity of the affected tooth, allowing patients to enjoy the benefits of a natural smile for years to come. By addressing root issues directly and preventing further damage, apicoectomy promotes the long-term viability of the tooth, minimizing the need for additional invasive treatments in the future. 

The Apicoectomy Procedure 

Preparation and Examination 

Thorough preparation is key before embarking on the apicoectomy journey. This begins with a comprehensive examination by our oral surgeon at The Center For Oral Surgery & Dental Implants, which may include X-rays to assess the extent of the issue. The oral surgeon meticulously plans the procedure, ensuring optimal outcomes. 

Anesthesia Administration 

Local anesthesia is administered to ensure patient comfort throughout the procedure. This numbs the treated area, minimizing discomfort and allowing the patient to remain relaxed during surgery. 

Accessing the Root Tip 

With the patient comfortably anesthetized, the oral surgeon makes a small incision near the gumline to access the root tip. This precise incision provides the necessary visibility and access to the affected area. 

Root Tip Resection 

The oral surgeon carefully removes the tip of the tooth's root and any diseased tissue using specialized instruments. This meticulous process aims to eliminate the source of infection or inflammation, promoting healing and restoration. 

Root-End Sealing 

Once the infected tissue is removed, the root end is sealed with a biocompatible material. This sealing prevents the recurrence of infection, safeguarding the tooth's long-term health and viability. 

Suturing and Closure 

With the root end sealed, the incision site is meticulously sutured closed. This step ensures proper wound healing and minimizes the risk of complications. 

Recovery and Aftercare 

  • Following an apicoectomy, some degree of discomfort and swelling is normal. Patients may experience mild pain, which can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain medication prescribed by the oral surgeon. 
  • Applying cold compresses to the affected area can help alleviate swelling and discomfort. Patients are advised to use the compress gently for short intervals, following the oral surgeon's recommendations. 
  • During the initial days of recovery, a soft diet is essential to avoid placing undue pressure on the surgical site. Patients are also encouraged to rest and avoid strenuous activities to promote healing. 
  • In some cases, the oral surgeon may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection and aid in the healing process. Patients must adhere to the prescribed medication regimen and follow any additional instructions the oral surgeon provides. 
  • After the surgical intervention, maintaining good oral hygiene remains paramount. Patients should continue to brush gently, avoid vigorous rinsing, and follow any specific instructions the oral surgeon provides to promote optimal healing. 
  • Regular follow-up appointments with the oral surgeon are essential to monitor healing progress and address any concerns or complications that may arise. These appointments allow the oral surgeon to ensure the recovery process is proceeding smoothly and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. 

From alleviating pain and discomfort to preventing tooth loss and preserving facial aesthetics, the benefits of apicoectomy are manifold, empowering individuals to reclaim their smiles and embrace a future filled with confidence and vitality. Visit The Center For Oral Surgery & Dental Implants at 9713 Northcross Center Court, Suite 100, Huntersville, NC 28078, or call (704) 875-8833 to explore the transformative benefits of apicoectomy.


9713 Northcross Center Court, Suite 100,
Huntersville, NC 28078

Fax: (704) 875-0303

Office Hours

MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI8:00 am - 1:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed