Ridge Augmentation

Ridge Augmentation

Ridge augmentation is a dental procedure designed to rebuild or augment the alveolar bony ridge supporting the teeth. It is commonly performed by our oral surgeon in Huntersville, NC, following tooth extraction to prevent bone loss and preserve the natural contours of the jawbone.

By filling the empty sockets with bone grafting material, ridge augmentation helps maintain the alveolar ridge's proper height, width, and shape, providing a stable foundation for dental implants and ensuring optimal aesthetic and functional outcomes. This procedure is crucial for patients undergoing tooth replacement or restorative dentistry, as it promotes long-term stability and enhances the success of implant-supported prostheses. 

Types of Ridge Augmentation Procedures 

Socket Preservation 

Socket preservation is a type of ridge augmentation procedure performed immediately after tooth extraction to prevent bone loss and maintain the natural contours of the alveolar ridge. During this procedure, the empty socket left by the extracted tooth is filled with bone grafting material, promoting new bone formation and preserving the ridge's volume and density.

Socket preservation is essential for patients planning to undergo dental implant placement, as it creates a stable foundation for implant-supported restorations. 

Horizontal Ridge Augmentation 

Horizontal ridge augmentation focuses on increasing the width of the alveolar ridge to provide adequate support for dental implants. This technique is commonly employed in cases where the ridge is too narrow to accommodate implant placement, or significant bone resorption has occurred.

During horizontal ridge augmentation, the bone grafting material is placed along the length of the ridge to augment its width, creating a stable platform for implant placement and ensuring optimal aesthetic and functional outcomes. 

Vertical Ridge Augmentation 

Vertical ridge augmentation is designed to increase the height of the alveolar ridge in cases where bone loss has resulted in inadequate bone height for implant placement. This technique involves adding bone grafting material to the existing bone to build up the height of the ridge.

Vertical ridge augmentation is crucial for restoring lost bone height and ensuring sufficient support for dental implants, particularly in areas with severe bone resorption or defects. 

Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) 

Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a specialized technique used with ridge augmentation procedures to promote the selective growth of bone in specific areas of the alveolar ridge.

During GBR, a barrier membrane is placed over the bone grafting material to protect the site and prevent soft tissue infiltration, allowing for the controlled regeneration of bone. This technique is particularly beneficial in complex cases requiring precise bone augmentation to achieve optimal implant placement and long-term stability. 

The Ridge Augmentation Procedure

The ridge augmentation procedure typically begins with administering local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, our oral surgeon at The Center For Oral Surgery & Dental Implants accesses the treatment area and prepares the site for bone graft placement.

Depending on the specific technique chosen, the bone grafting material, which may be sourced from the patient's bone (autograft), donor bone (allograft), or synthetic materials (alloplastic grafts), is carefully placed and secured in position. The surgeon then closes the surgical site with sutures or a barrier membrane to promote proper healing and protect the graft material. Precision and attention to detail are paramount throughout the procedure to ensure optimal outcomes and the long-term stability of the augmented ridge. 

Patients receive detailed post-operative instructions following ridge augmentation surgery to facilitate optimal healing and minimize discomfort. This may include recommendations for pain management, such as over-the-counter or prescription pain medications, as well as instructions for oral hygiene practices to maintain oral health and prevent infection.

Patients are typically advised to avoid strenuous activities and follow a soft or liquid diet for the first few days to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications. Additionally, patients may be prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection and instructed to attend follow-up appointments to monitor their healing progress and remove sutures if necessary. Contact us today to learn more! 

The Benefits of Ridge Augmentation 

  • Ridge augmentation in Huntersville, NC, helps maintain the alveolar ridge's natural shape and contours, preventing the jawbone's collapse or deformity that often occurs following tooth loss or bone resorption. 
  • By providing a stable foundation with sufficient bone volume and density, ridge augmentation significantly enhances the success rates of dental implant procedures. The augmented ridge ensures optimal osseointegration, where the implant fuses with the surrounding bone, leading to long-lasting stability and durability of the implant restoration. 
  • Ridge augmentation restores lost bone volume and soft tissue contours, improving facial aesthetics and creating a more natural-looking smile. This is particularly important for patients seeking tooth replacement in the anterior (front) mouth region, where aesthetic considerations are paramount. 
  • By rebuilding and strengthening the alveolar ridge, ridge augmentation helps prevent further bone loss and resorption, which can occur over time due to the absence of natural tooth roots. Preserving the jawbone's integrity reduces the risk of oral health complications and maintains overall oral health. 
  • A well-augmented ridge provides essential support and stability for chewing, biting, and speaking. Patients who undergo ridge augmentation can enjoy restored oral function and improved bite alignment, allowing for comfortable and efficient mastication and speech articulation. 
  • Ridge augmentation creates an ideal foundation for the placement of dental prostheses, such as crowns, bridges, and dentures. The increased bone volume and density ensure a secure and stable fit of the prosthetic appliance, enhancing the restoration's comfort, functionality, and longevity. 

Ridge augmentation encompasses a range of techniques to restore and strengthen the alveolar ridge to support dental implants and restore oral function and aesthetics. Visit The Center For Oral Surgery & Dental Implants at 9713 Northcross Center Court, Suite 100, Huntersville, NC 28078, or call (704) 875-8833 to discover how ridge augmentation can transform your smile!


9713 Northcross Center Court, Suite 100,
Huntersville, NC 28078

Fax: (704) 875-0303

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FRI8:00 am - 1:00 pm

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